Monday, February 1, 2016

The Light always shines through the darkness

"the Light shines in the darkness,
 and the darkness has not overcome it"  John 1:5
            No matter where we are in this world there are many instances where human beings have the opportunity to overcome all language and logistical separations and differences.  Human beings have common needs and desires that enable our relation to one another in our humanity.  Through the ties that bind our humanity together we must start to celebrate one another.  This will bring great joy to the world.    
            Our differences are many in our humanity and at the same time they are a tremendous gift. When did our differences become a powerful vessel that overshadows our common needs and desires?  Our differences naturally allow us to better rely on one another in our humanity.  Human beings have lost the ability to rely on one another through our common needs and desires. Instead our humanity is in a great race to nowhere.  We intentionally dismiss the bonds that connect us all to one another.  
             Our common needs and desires surpass all differences.  One example of our common humanity would be the natural desire to give and receive love.  I believe that the human race is born with the greatest natural need to be loved.  We immediately return love when our basic needs are met.  It is instinctual. 
            The next example would be the instinctual awareness of darkness and light.  There is nothing worse than realizing your new baby likes to sleep during the day and remain awake at night. All human beings immediately embark on the mission for our baby to sleep when it is dark and remain awake during the hours when there is light.  We raise our children to realize that the fear that can accompany darkness does not need to be paralyzing.  We sometimes will leave a nightlight on for reassurance.  This reassurance with light is practiced by mothers and fathers from around the globe.  
            The "dark side of the force and the good side of the force" is a famous quote from the Star Wars Trilogy.  I wonder why they did not refer the good side of the force as the "Light side of the Force?"  I am sure it is because the dark side is referring to the evil that comes on the dark side.  The good side of the force naturally implies the clarity of the Light.  
            Light does bring clarity. We turn on our lights in our homes when the darkness sets in.  We sometimes light a fire to shed light and provide warmth when electricity is unavailable.  We intentionally will use a flashlight to see specific things with clarity.  This instinctual awareness of where the darkness and light can be found is a powerful tool for unity in our humanity.
            As we seek the light in our lives I say lets look together as one.


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